Alston Labour Party Branch at the #OurNHS March London Sat 4th March 2017 © Alice Bondi |
This is yet another instance of the sort of media bias we have seen over the last couple of years - Media Lens did a big exposé of this last November under the title BBC Propaganda Watch: Tell-Tale Signs That Slip Through The Cracks.
My complaint is as follows:
Yesterday there was one of the biggest marches in London in support of the NHS & against the cutbacks in its funding & services. Over 250,000 people (police estimate) marched through London over a 4-5 hour period. The only coverage on the BBC R4 News was scant mentions of "thousands marched through London today", whilst the BBC News website seems to have no coverage or photos of the March, nor any journalistic coverage, nor interviews with those concerned, who ranged from the Labour Party leader and Shadow Chancellor, trades union general secretaries, health service workers of all grades, NHS service consumers, and a whole raft of concerned citizens who had travelled from every part of the UK to support this march. Contrast this with the more than 2 minutes of video broadcast yesterday evening by a German broadcaster, highlighting not only the march in London but also the dire state of the NHS in the UK under the current government. This is blatant bias on the part of the BBC, who have a duty to provide impartial and comprehensive news to the people of this country. Those who make the decisions not to cover such big events are sanitising the news and colluding with an increasingly fascist and intolerant government attempting to further subdue the population through the reduction in public services and the stripping of dignity from the most needy and vulnerable citizens. As the BBC is publicly funded via the licence fee my complaint is that the biased coverage against the march and against the Labour Party's current leadership is against its own constitution and against the principles of fairness and natural justice. I request a full and detailed investigation into the lack of 4th March coverage and the bias that underpins the scant coverage of both popular mass actions and the current Labour leadership.The BBC website Complaints pages say they will respond within 2 weeks, so I shall wait and see the outcome.
Meanwhile if, like me, you were unable to go to the march, you may like to see the video on YouTube which recorded all 3½ hours plus of it!
Contingents certainly went from Cumbria were I live, leaving home around 4am to make the journey down to London by coach to be there in time for the march start at noon. After walking through the capital, and listening to various speakers as well they set off on the journey back in the late afternoon and many will not have reached home until around midnight. Such a long day, but that so many people did make those sorts of journeys to take part shows the strength of feeling in the country in support of #OurNHS and the people who work within it.