250,000+ people marched through London today in support of the NHS but if you watched or listened to the BBC news yesterday you'd be forgiven for thinking only a few folks went to London to to protest against the NHS cuts.
Well, guess what? More than a quarter of a million were there on the streets, yes that's right, more than A QUARTER OF A MILLION people took to the streets of London today in support of #OurNHS.
Oh and that figure came from the Police apparently, and past experience tells me they do tend to underestimate slightly...
When more than 250,000 people take to the streets of the capital it should send a very clear message to Government that the people are a bit miffed with them. Loads more of us were not able to make the trip to London but we were with the marchers in spirit.
We are ordinary people, some working, some retired, some disabled, some still at school or university, some old, some young, some in the middle. We all share a passionate support for the NHS and outrage at the Tory government's budget cuts, privatisation of services and closures of hospitals and other health services.
Enough is enough. We stand, we fight. HANDS OFF #OurNHS !