I don't want to see another organisation with similar structures to the Labour Party. Why would Momentum want to copy that? Why do we need delegates and national committees and policies etc? Surely if we are supporting a Corbyn-led LP then those are the policies we follow and support? Momentum is not, nor should it be, a party within a party.
Simply operating as activist clusters supporting Labour candidates and policies is the better option. What we need is local activism: feet on the ground, members knocking on doors, holding open discussions, making contacts with voters, working with comrades in trades unions, being active in socialist campaigns and projects that benefit our communities, etc...
So, unless Momentum stops all the squabbling and silliness it will die a death. Meanwhile, we have work to do here in Cumbria, so let's get on with it!
So, unless Momentum stops all the squabbling and silliness it will die a death. Meanwhile, we have work to do here in Cumbria, so let's get on with it!