Monday, 21 September 2015

Sleaze, sleaze and yet more sleaze... or is it a smokescreen?

After all of the garbage thrown at Jeremy Corbyn since his election as Leader of the Labour Party last weekend, you might think that I'd be taking great delight in the story in the Daily Mail today, giving details of sleazy goings on in the past of David Cameron as revealed in the book to be published next month by his erstwhile friend and financial supporter Lord Ashcroft.  In fact I am sickened by it, as it really shows the depravity which appears to be endemic in many parts of British politics and highlights the utter callousness of those in Government.

One thing that strikes me whenever I read this sort of "story" in the media is to wonder if it is a decoy. You know the sort of thing - a big scandal involving a famous name and whilst we are all laughing, the Govt. slips in another bit of legislation that takes away another freedom we have, or adds another tax, or sells off another state asset.  

Whilst social media has gone into paroxysms of laughter and satire about the so-called #piggate issue, are we being distracted from the big issues such as the deaths of those deemed fit to work by the DWP, the ongoing refugee crisis, or the outrageous rise in the cost of an anti-AIDS drug from $13.50 to $750 per tablet after the company which made it was bought out by a hedge fund?

Or is it that the Tories are simply fed up with David Cameron as their leader, and have decided it's time for him to go - as happened to Margaret Thatcher in 1990. Whatever the reason, the media seem to be having a feeding frenzy about #piggate, so it will be interesting to see if Cameron will emerge with his position intact!