Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Mutual humiliation and shared secrets

I have just read a really interesting blog-article which outlines not only why the public are finding this week's revelations about the disreputable past of the current PM, David Cameron, so amusing, but also why such groups as the Piers Gaveston and Bullingdon clubs exist at all and what benefits they bring to their members. It is a real eye-opener.

The article also puts forward suggestions about why former PM, the late Margaret Thatcher, took no action when she allegedly knew about paedophile activity amongst people in the public eye, media, politics and the judiciary.

If what this article claims is true, it would appear to me that most of the electors who voted for the Conservatives have been victims of a huge con-trick.


Another story in the Mirror tells of a woman who apparently attended one of the drug-fuelled Piers Gaveston parties and one hosted by the "Assassins" - a group described as, "another of these elite Oxford drinking societies."