Thursday, 27 April 2017

21 Reasons to #VoteLabour on 4th May & 8th June

#ImVotingLabour on 4th May and 8th June and here's why:

1. For a properly funded and free at the point of use NHS

2. For appropriately funded safe and secure social care

3. For good education for every child irrespective of background or parental income

4. For good quality jobs across the country

5. For renationalised railway services that passengers can afford to use

6. For funding for rural bus services

7. For funding for repairs to roads and pavements

8. For funding for libraries, archives, and the arts to ensure good quality of life experiences for everyone

9. For environmental protection including air quality standards

10. For equality of everyone under the law

11. For a £10 hour National Living Wage

12. For affordable homes to buy or rent

13. For decent property standards and protection against landlord abuse of tenants

14. For the end of homelessness and people sleeping on our streets

15. For the proper financial support of those who are unable to earn an income

16. For the protection of children from harm and abuse

17. For the safety of those in domestic violence situations

18. For animal welfare standards & a continued ban on hunting

19. For the protection of women and girls threatened with FGM

20. For the retention of human rights and employment protections

21. For a sensible negotiated settlement with the EU re BREXIT that protects workers' rights and maintains the right of EU citizens already living and working in the UK

If you agree these are important to you too, then the obvious, indeed the only sensible, option is to #VoteLabour on 4th May and 8th June.