Friday, 27 May 2016

Why not do a swap & resolve both problems?!

This week has seen two similar stories - similar in that both involve uprooting people from one nation and sending them back to their birth nation. One is a British born 30 year old widow with 5 kids born in Australia, where she has lived since she was 2 years old. The other is an Australian couple with a 7 year old son born in Scotland.

The widow is threatened with being sent back to the UK after serving a prison sentence and, as she has no family here, risks being homeless and penniless here and having to leave her kids behind - kids who have already lost their father to a road accident last year. The couple are threatened with being sent back to Australia as the scheme under which they came to the UK and settled in Scotland has been retrospectively cancelled, so they no longer have the right to remain.

Both cases are hugely unfair to the children involved. Five kids in Australia will lose their remaining parent, and one child who has lived in Scotland all his 7 years will lose all his friends and have the upheaval of changing schools, culture, location etc.

Some compassion, common sense and humanity is needed in both cases. Failing that, why not just agree that the widow may stay in Australia with her kids, and the family with their son may stay in Scotland. It'd be a lot simpler in the long run and would probably save both countries a fortune in legal and administrative costs!